Sunday night delights #19 (a bit late)

I’m a little late with this post as I really wasn’t feeling very well most of last week lasting into the weekend. Magic antibiotics have helped though!

This weekend…

Was mainly about packing, sleeping and pizza. Packing because – drumroll – we have exchanged contracts on our house which means we’re moving at the end of this month! So excited it’s finally happening. There will be much blogging about DIY I’m sure when we’re in.

Sleeping because of said feeling poorly. So much time in bed reading, and little trips out locally and generally taking things slowly. Didn’t feel we missed much though as when we did (briefly) get outside it was grey and drizzly.

Pizza, because of Valentine’s Day. We don’t really ‘do’ Valentine’s Day at all, in fact this year we didn’t even do cards, so instead we treated ourselves on Saturday to a takeaway pizza with some friends. Will and I also did a little bit of the suggestion on Seeds & Stitches of telling your partner why you love them – this really was lovely and is completely free with no real preparation needed (which with our move is a massive help as we’re doing nothing but preparing in other aspects of life). Good for all year round of course, doesn’t just need to be saved for Valentine’s Day or anniversaries!

The week to come…

There’s going to be pancakes (it’s the season), birthday present choosing – we have about six special birthdays in the next month – and crochet, which has got horribly neglected with house stuff and illness. Nothing helps me focus more generally in life than making in the evening, really notice it when I’m not doing anything. I’m still not really making anything specific, just lots of granny squares which I’ll work out what to do with them at some point.

5 things I’m grateful for right now…

  • Knowing we will be moving into our lovely new house – can’t even express how lucky and blessed we are for this one.
  • Antibiotics – for obvious reasons (ie they’re magic)
  • I’m re-reading the Poldark novels, as the new TV series will be starting soon. I’m a lifelong fan of the books and the 1970s TV series – so the remake is a big deal for me!
  • It being light in the mornings when we’re getting up – makes waking up that bit easier.
  • Packing our boxes using multi-colour tape I got from Tiger and eBay – colour coding heaven!

Sunday night delights #18

This weekend…

Has been a bit of a low key one, we were on tenterhooks about the house for most of the week, the stress combined with an unhealthy diet has meant that I’ve come down with another cold. The good news (hopefully) is that we are exchanging contracts on our house tomorrow – which means it will be ours! I’m really trying to hold off the whooping and dancing until it’s signed and sealed though, as the last couple of weeks have been so up and down I don’t quite trust that something won’t go wrong again at the last minute. This hasn’t been entirely successful I have to confess! I haven’t been able to resist checking eBay for vintage furniture and working out room layouts (graph paper may have been involved). We had our offer on this house accepted back in November. So it’s impossible not to get a little bit excited about the idea we’ll be in before the end of February.

The week to come…

Hopefully it’ll be all about planning our move, we should know what’s happening by the end of tomorrow. If we’re not moving I think we’ll be looking at booking a holiday to make us feel better!

5 things I’m grateful for right now…

  • Libraries – it was National Libraries Day on Saturday and my friend Jennifer wrote a brilliant post about how important it is to love your Library. They are something I’m constantly grateful for – but especially this weekend!
  • Silly WhatsApp conversations with groups of friends – they make me giggle so much.
  • Will letting me use him as a pillow when I had an afternoon nap yesterday – he had lots of things he wanted to be doing but I rather spectacularly fell asleep on him for about an hour and a half. I was feeling quite poorly though so it was rather lovely.
  • Having a big clear out of clothes that don’t fit or aren’t really me any more. Feels so cathartic to get rid of pointless stuff.
  • Warm baths – been taking so many to de-stress this week and book + bath = perfect happiness for me.

Sunday night delights #17


This weekend…
Has been mainly about distracting ourselves. We heard on Monday that our house move might have fallen through. I won’t go into details here about our situation, as it’s still developing and involves the rest of our chain, but basically we might not be able to buy the house we want. We were near reaching the point when everything was signed and we would have a moving date, so it was a bit of shock. Things could still sort themselves out – hopefully this week – so please cross your fingers for us!

Distracting ourselves has mainly taken the form of seeing friends; a cheeky drink at lunchtime in our lovely local gastro pub and lots of Good Life DVDs. So despite the house never being far from our mines, still not a bad weekend.

The week to come…
We’ll ignore the hope of house news, as I’m in danger of sounding like a broken record. Other than that, I’ve got lots of crochet time this week, with hardly any evenings out – heaven with the snowy weather! Although we have got one evening out to see the Jersey Boys at the theatre with my parents and Will so I’m looking forward to that.

5 things I’m grateful for right now…

  • My wonderful Mum and Dad – had lunch at theirs today with some family friends and they are super.
  • Will being home from his work trip – it was very lovely having him back this weekend.
  • Very nice glasses of prosecco.
  • Getting out all my old games for the younger visitors at my parents earlier – so much nostalgia!
  • The Good Life, if you haven’t ever watched this seventies comedic gem, then go seek out a box set now.

Sunday night delights #16

This weekend…
Had a busier weekend than I’ve had for a while, which I’ve really loved. So good to fill the weekend with new things and changes of scene to refresh me for the week ahead.

Saturday was the day of bargains, as I had so many successes in the local charity shops, including a brand new pair of floral canvas shoes, a Laura Ashley jumper, a bargain rotary cutting mat, some floral vintage glass bowls and some Staffordshire ware mugs which were 69p each. Such bargains! Would love any information anyone has about Staffordshire pottery – can’t find anything about this design online but it says Staffordshire on the bottom so assuming it’s the same thing as some of the more famous patterns. Doesn’t matter either way though as Will and I love these designs.

Staffordshire mugs

Today was spent in London with some University friends, eating and chatting lots but also visiting the Foundling Museum, which was excellent. I’m planning a whole post on the museum along with the launch of a new blog series – watch this space in the next week or so for more about this.

The week to come…
Will’s just headed off on the sleeper train for work, he’s away for the whole of this week. Although I’ll miss him, I’m trying to look on the bright side and concentrate how nice it is to choose exactly what I like to watch on TV and read for as long as I like in bed. A week is long enough to appreciate these things though, so I’m also very much looking forward to seeing him again on Friday.

5 things I’m grateful for right now…

  • Timing my day perfectly so I coincided waving goodbye to my friends in London with Will arriving to catch his sleeper train. We had a lovely dinner in town before saying goodbye. Love it when things work out like that.
  • Colourful wool – I’m busy crocheting granny squares at the moment and the combination of lots of bright wools are so happy making.
  • The snowdrops are out, which means Spring is in the air.
  • Trains – never stop being thankful I can whizz into London in under an hour. Sitting on the rail replacement bus this morning made me appreciate the quick journey home this evening even more.
  • Charity shops. There is so much stuff in the world already that being able to buy second hand, and in a tiny way reduce the amount of demand for new ‘things’, is something that I think is rather wonderful.

Sunday night delights #15

This weekend…
We heard at the beginning of the week that our house move was going to happen before the end of January. Cue us starting to panic pack and thinking that the weekend would be spent doing the same. In the end though, it looks like it is going to be a bit longer than two weeks, so we unexpectedly got our weekend back. Such a relaxed one as a result and mainly involved lots of reading, chatting and food. I cooked my first proper roast for ages earlier. I need to do this more regularly so it doesn’t end in last minute stress when I’m trying to make sure nothing burns, get the meat ready for carving, making gravy and dish up all at the same time!

The week to come…
There is going to be a fair bit of house moving admin this week I fear. However, one thing I’m tremendously, and irrationally, excited about is that I’m finally getting my hair cut. I started to grow it out before our wedding (in August) and various attempts to have it cut have all been called off at the last minute. I’ve got an appointment for Wednesday and I’m so happy it’s not going to take me an hour to dry it before work anymore (my hair is really thick which means once it gets past a certain length I can’t put it up and it retains water better than a sponge). Well this blog is supposed to be about little pleasures, can’t get much more happily mundane than haircuts?!

5 things I'm grateful for right now…

  • Living on the edge of the countryside. We went for a lovely winter stroll on Saturday morning from the house. I so appreciate walking for a minute and being in open fields.
  • The Office (USA) – finished watching the last season this week. So good. We were tempted to start watching from the beginning again after the final episode, but decided that was a bit mad. We are a bit bereft in the evenings now though.
  • Not turning the TV on automatically but reading our books instead.
  • Cinema pick & mix – got my lemon bon bon fix on Saturday night.
  • Tasty roasts (already mentioned, but worth a repeat!)

Sunday night delights #14

Well we’ve done it, first week back at work complete after Christmas. Will and I were so exhausted by Friday, but I think we’re back in the swing now and ready to tackle the working year.

This weekend…

There were lie-ins, there was a tasty lunch out, a cinema trip and a girly night with my friend. All in all it was a very lovely relaxed weekend. As I mentioned last week, Will and I always try to do something fun the first weekend in January. It’s to remind ourselves to make the most of our free time, especially at the time of year when it’s cold and and everyone’s feeling poor after Christmas. This year we rather randomly went to laser tag with some friends from work, we did end up getting chased by some six year olds – but it was so much fun. We followed it by a trip to a nice pub that served mulled cider – so delicious and a perfect way to spend a winter’s day.

The week to come…
It’s a busy one, think we have something planned for every night this week. My craft group is starting back up again after the Christmas break, and I don’t have an obvious project to take along. I realised that after finishing wedding crafting, then Christmas crafting, I can actually just start any projects I want. It’s quite liberating. I’ve decided to attempt a crochet blanket, so I need to decide on colours and order wool this week – eeek!

5 things I’m grateful for right now…

  • There was a suggestion of a house moving date this week, it actually seems to be happening. We are so lucky that we’re hopefully moving into a lovely new home by the end of January.
  • At the same time, I’m happily sitting in our cozy living room, and I never forget how lucky we are to be warm and dry in own our home. It’s so easy to take it for granted.
  • Super cheap leftover Christmas chocolate in our local shop. 25p for chocolate coins – amazing!
  • Long chats with good friends which involve lots of inappropriate jokes.
  • Sleeping well. It was so hard getting up this week, but it’s only because our bed is so comfortable, and I’m sleeping so well. This isn’t always the case, so I’m valuing it at the moment. Though it really is hard leaving my warm bed when it’s actually dark outside.

Sunday night delights #13

As I’m back at work tomorrow (Christmas holidays are heavenly until they have to end aren’t they?) it’s time for another batch of Sunday night delights. Will and I watched the documentary Happy on Netflix earlier after hearing a bit about it. It examines what drives happiness and explores the world of happiness research. I found the whole film interesting, but one thing that I really picked up on was a study that had been done that suggested people who took the time to think of five things they’re grateful for every Sunday would be happier than those who don’t – so I think I’m on a good path with these posts! The same research also showed that after taking the time to count your blessings, doing something that showed compassion and helping people made you even happier – so I clearly need to work on that. I am going to start adding a brief five things I’m grateful for at the end of these posts as a start though.

This weekend…

Has been wonderfully social, I met up with my University friend J on Friday, we have been trying to meet up for months but haven’t managed it til right at the end of the Christmas holidays. We met for lunch in London, then wandered round Heals department store. I love expensive shops as it almost feels like wandering round a museum, as the prices are so far out of my range, but it’s so full of beautifully designed homeware that it is such an enjoyable way to spend an hour or so.

On Saturday Will’s best man and his girlfriend came to stay, and we played games and ate lots so it was a successful weekend visit! I cooked a massive fry-up this morning, accompanied by a left over bottle of Bucks Fizz, to see out the holidays in style. We then headed to Cambridge to see another friend (with cake, because clearly we needed more food!)

The week to come…

Hard to think of positives for the first working week back at work! However, Will and I always try and do something fun on the first weekend in January, so I am looking forward to planning what that’s going to be this year. I’m also hoping to go on some walks during lunch at work, which I used to do really regularly but have got into the habit of sitting on the computer or running errands instead. Walks are so much better for the soul.

5 things I’m grateful for right now:

  • Having lovely friends, and spending time with them
  • A lovely tidy house ready for the working week (we tidied for house guests!)
  • Our house move should hopefully be proceeding now Christmas is over – fingers crossed for a moving date!
  • I’m starting The Camomile Lawn by Mary Wesley tonight, I’ve been wanting to read it for ages.
  • After I cooked the massive fry up this morning, Will had done most of the washing up before I’d even realised what was happening – awesome husband.

Sunday night delights #12: an epic catch up

Oh dear, sorry for the rather epic blog silence. After our weekend in Edinburgh (post about that coming very soon!), I came down with a horrible bug that totally wiped me out for almost a week. Last weekend was mainly spent in bed and this week was rather manic catching up with everything so I have neglected my little blog terribly. I also can’t believe it’s Christmas on Thursday, being ill confused me terrible, we only got our decorations up on Thursday, though I am now revelling in the coziness and the twinkling!

Birthday presents

This weekend…

Well I couldn’t help having a nice weekend: it was my birthday yesterday! I got so many lovely gifts, including books on crafts and interiors; a new teapot and purse and many other lovely bits and pieces. With all the messages from friends I haven’t seen for a while as well, I felt like a very spoilt lady. After all the illness and chaos I was very keen to have a quiet one, and that was exactly what I got. I was brought breakfast in bed and had a long lie-in whilst opening presents, followed by lunch with my parents and more presents (accompanied by prosecco rather decadently). The afternoon was spent with good friends and birthday cake (and baby cuddles). Topped it off with a relaxed evening crafting, with a Chinese takeaway and a Harry Potter film. I realise that sounds like the whole day revolved around food, but it was all the more awesome for it. I like nothing better than that kind of relaxed day, and really felt like I haven’t had one for months, so I loved it!

Today started off less nicely in that Will seems to have come down with the bug I’ve just recovered from, so we had to cancel our plans for attending a friend’s wine and cheese party this afternoon. Instead I caught up on some Christmas crafting, sorted a few more presents and generally enjoyed the Christmas cheer at home, lighting the candles in our living room and turning on the tree lights made our little house such a nice place to be today.

The week to come…

I’ve got a few more days at work, a few more Christmas parties and meals and then I’ve got a heavenly 11 and a half days off. Can’t wait! I hope you’ve got some time off to relax and enjoy the season.

Sunday night delights #11

I know I shouldn’t, but I tend to get a sinking feeling halfway through Sunday afternoon, as I realise the end of the weekend is near. I thought I should take some time to think about all the lovely things that have happened over the weekend, and what I’m looking forward to.

This weekend…

Has been a bit dull to blog, as yesterday was spent Christmas shopping (hell, but I won’t have to go into town again before Christmas now as we got a lot done). Today has basically been a sofa fest of too many episodes of the US version of The Office. So this post is going to be a collection of lots of little random happy things instead!

I’m happy about…

Improving on where I’ve bought Christmas presents this year, it’s still not great in terms of ethics, but I replaced a lot of stuff I’d usually get on Amazon with buying from bookshops in Cambridge, and a few of our favourite independent shops as well. It’s a could do better for next year I think, but better than last year when there was a huge Amazon order, so I’m counting it as a win.

Being fed entirely by parents for a whole day was rather lovely, as we went to Will’s parents for lunch on Saturday and then my parents for dinner in the evening. My Mum’s lemon meringue pie is always the best.

Soft socks. I have a pair of the softest socks, which are so fluffy they won’t fit in shoes, so I can only wear them in the house. Today was such a lazy day that I broke them out – heaven!

Christmas stuff is down from the loft. I’m very against putting decorations up before December, but it’s almost time so getting them down was a lovely moment, as I always rediscover decorations that I forgot we have. We try and buy one nice ornament a year to gradually build up our joint collection. The tree won’t go up for a bit but might throw a few other things up over the course of next week.

The week to come…

We’re off to Edinburgh next weekend, as Will is away for the final time before Christmas, but in the north of Scotland. It’s his thirtieth birthday on Sunday so he didn’t want to have an epic train journey on his birthday weekend, so instead we thought we’d turn it into a bit of a break, so we’re meeting half way at Edinburgh station on Friday night ready for a weekend break (something very romantic about that isn’t there?)

I think most of this week will be counting down the days til that to be honest! We’ll still be in Edinburgh on Sunday night next week, so there will be a break in these posts. But there will be a more general Edinburgh post very soon I’m sure.

Sunday night delights #10: a little late

I know I shouldn’t, but I tend to get a sinking feeling halfway through Sunday afternoon, as I realise the end of the weekend is near. I thought I should take some time to think about all the lovely things that have happened over the weekend, and what I’m looking forward to.

This weekend…

It was a good one everyone! A busy one too which is why this post is a day late, it’s Monday night delights this time. After a pretty hideous day at work, concentrating on cheerful things is only a good thing too.

Saturday was such a lovely day when I caught up with Jennifer from Pastry & Purls and our other friend N. We went to the V&A in London to visit the exhibition on Wedding Dresses. If this is your cup of tea then I thoroughly recommend going, as there are some truly beautiful dresses on display. I think I actually found the older dresses more interesting than the modern ones, as it is fascinating to see how certain features reappear over hundreds of years.

We intended to view another gallery or two after the main exhibition, but after sitting down for lunch in the cafe, we ended up spending as long just chatting and catching up as we had at the exhibition, especially when lunch turned into afternoon tea and cake! It is wonderful when you can just happily sit and chat for hours though, something I feel I don’t do as much of now I’m older – University was nothing but sitting and chatting from memory. We just had enough time for a quick shop visit as well before we had to part ways (boo!).

I had to get home as we had a fancy dress housewarming party to attend. The fancy dress theme was art so there was rather a panicked scramble to get a costume together, Will and I went for the rather random choice of ‘The Awakening Conscience‘ by pre-raphaelite William Holman Hunt, to mixed success I think! Still, it was still a lovely evening with lots of people getting fairly tipsy and making various animals out of pipe cleaners.

Sunday ended by being a bit more admin focussed when we spent a ridiculous amount of time getting a new mobile phone sorted for me (it all went very complicated due to my name change since the wedding). It was so badly needed though as my old phone could no longer make calls and texts didn’t always come through. Pretty much useless as a phone essentially! I feel a bit guilty that I went for another minerals-eating iPhone rather than getting something more ethical, I had at least driven my last phone into the ground rather than getting an upgrade when I was offered one years ago. I’m concentrating on the better photos I will be able to take from now on, so hopefully the blog will benefit from some prettier pictures. We did manage to have a bit of fun when we went to see the new Hunger Games film last night (I recommend) followed by the pub. A rather unusually active Sunday night which was actually a really nice change – and why I didn’t write my blog post on time!

The week to come…

A funny one this week as we’re both going away for work so my normal pottering about at home will be replaced with networking and conference dinners. I’m loving the portability of crochet though so I will definitely be taking some to do if I get a minute in between talks at the conference. I’m also already looking forward to getting back to my own bed again (rather sad I know), but we’ve just put on the lovely new duvet and bedding we got as wedding presents and it’s so warm and soft. Don’t think the hotel bed will be able to compare. Feels like a little treat each night after our old scratchy bedding.